Keeping Fit at Work.

Published on by Randolph D'souza

The working environment has changed a lot during these resent times. A lot of work which we do involves some amount of deskwork, which results in a lot of hours spend on the computer. We concentrate a lot in submitting reports and distributing work to our team members, little do we realize how much stress we are putting on our bodies. So if you feel the job is making you desk bound for most of the time, I will show you some exercise that will help you to keep fit at work as well as increase your productivity. If you love your self then I hope you will make sure that these exercise are included in your busy schedule.

Before beginning your day at your workplace, Please keep these points in mind.

n      Are you sitting comfortably?

n      Correct posture at your desk will help you to preventing aches and stiffness.

n      Make sure that your chair, monitor, telephone and any other equipment you use are all correctly sited.

n      Check that there is clear space under your desk to move your legs freely.

n      Your chair should support your back. Adjust the chair according to your height.

Move Around:

At least 8-10 times in a day, get up and move away from your desk. Use lunchtime or washroom/coffee/water break as an opportunity to move around and stretch your muscles. A few minutes is sufficient to get the blood flowing during long periods of inactivity, your muscles can become stiff and immobile You may find that your neck, shoulders, and legs stiffen up. Simply follow the exercise protocols outlined below.

      How to Exercise your Eyes and Neck:


n      You close your eyes and put you palms over them, this will rest your eyes.

n      Splash your eyes with cold water repeatedly when feasible, and especially when your eyes are strained and blink the eyes many times.

n      Roll your eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise. Repeat 5 times

n      Turn your head slowly to the left and then to the right as far as you can, comfortably.

n      Raise your shoulders straight up, then move them in a circle around, down and back up again.

n      Stretch your neck slowly to the left trying to touch your ear to your shoulder.                     


Easy Preventive Measures:

n      Don't sit in one place for a long time.

n      Maintain good posture for your neck.

n      When talking on the phone, don't hold the phone between head and shoulder.

By Randolph D’souza
ACSM Certified Personal Trainer.

Published on Health

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